< BackThe Story of the Church

編號 : L00897
類別 : Missionary
原著書名 : The Story of the Church
中文書名 :
原著作者 : A. M. Renwick & A. M. Harman
出版社 : Inter-Varsity Press
出版日期 : 1986-01-01
頁數 : 267
ISBN : 0-85110-464-9
館藏現況 : 館內架上



I         The Apostolic Age

II       The Second Century

III      The Early Catholic Fathers (180-250)

IV      Trial and Triumph

V        Great Councils, Great Men, Great Events (325-500)

VI      The Beginning of the Middle Ages

VII    The Record of Monasticism

VIII   From Gregory I to Charlemagne

IX      Disorder and Intrigue

X        Gregory VII to Boniface VIII (1073-1294)

XI      Rising Opposition to the Catholic Church

XII    Attempted Reformation and the Renaissance

XIII   The Reformation in Germany

XIV   The Reformation in Switzerland

XV     The Reformation in England

XVI   The Reformation in Scotland

XVII The Counter-Reformation

XVIII          The Church in the Stuart Period

XIX   The Eighteenth Century

XX     Modern Missionary Expansion

XXI   The Nineteenth Century

XXII The Turn of the Century

XXIII          The Early Twentieth Century

XXIV           World War II and Its Aftermath

XXV  The Modern Period




The STORY OF THE CHURCH is a handy and concise summary of an epic which has spanned twenty centuries and is still being written. It is a tale of high hopes and great disappointments, of bitter persecution and heroic loyalty to principles.