Life of Lordship (15-03-2015) Life of Lordship Network Writing Hospital Pastors Sharing Multimedia eBook

Nothing more important than love,                                                                    Diane Zeng

Have you ever near dead ? I went once.

Car crash
Last April, during the school holidays, my husband and I took our two sons, aged 13 and 11-year-olds to travel to Darwin.  Sparsely Darwin speed can up to 130 per kilometre.  Little traffic, so it's easy to let the driving not concentrated.  My husband is one of them. He was able to read a map while driving, or you can take two kilos of water bottles to drink while driving.  He regarded him as a big man, he was not happy for any complaint.  Every time he finished drinking water, I helped him to cover up the lid. 

Suddenly he was distracted, the car is about to hit the road, and I cried the car is going to crash, he immediately turn the steering wheel, but the car is out of control, we should crash into roadside boulders.   I knew what we were going to happen, an idea passed in the head, “do not be afraid, like a roller-coaster ride of fun go to hell”,  I shouted and hooked up.

Little boy lost consciousness
Suddenly, there was a loud "bang",  our car was overturned.  Little boy lost consciousness and I was safely hanging from it, and I am still awake, particularly quiet. I have an idea in my head. If the car was overturned, it would be likely to explode, get out of the car, I shouted  "come on! Leave the car. "   I turned around and saw his youngest son who did not respond, I rolled him to his hand and his pants are wet.  His mouth was bleeding, his forehead were broken.  I thought: is he dead?  I grieved.  "I'm going to pull him out.  "Then said:" after you climb out, I can help you.  "So, I emerge from broken glass windows.  Take a look at the car, there was no  smoke, I and my husband immediately pull out our little son. Our son was  coma, and I was stopped by something in my heart, like really sick.  Cry and cry out.  I said, "don't die, don't die. " My son still not awake. I began to pray: "Lord Jesus, help us, let my son wake up. "  Over and over again to keep praying.  In April, Darwin was very hot, thank God for the conservative, the car did not explode.

Passby help us
Eldest son first emerged from behind the window, my husband came out. Four passersby came to help at this time, they initiated to put up a shade cloth for us, because younger son was lying on the side of the road, passers-by helped us to call an ambulance, there are two doctors came to help my son, took his pulse, and said he was not dead, just lost consciousness.  They gave me a wet paper towel to dab at my son's face, hands and feet.  After 15 minutes, my son woke up. That 15 minutes was the longest time of my life, because my son had experienced smacked into a car and broke a bone in his right foot.  If he needed to do another surgeries, just after recover of the previous one so soon,  I think he was too poor.  Anyway, my son woke up, I was relieved.  When we look around, we found that our car wheels are blocked by a ditch, and we were saved from crashed into boulders, but the car turned over, all the glass was broken.

Luggage fell out on the ground.  Thank God, we four family members were slightly injured.  Then came two ambulances and sent us to the hospital.

My cervical spine was hurt and sent into an ambulance and taken to a local hospital. After a series of checks, because seat belts tighten my muscles, thus no injury to my nerves and no broken bones.  After staying in the hospital for three days, we can go back to Sydney on a plane.

After this time of Thanksgiving,  great changes have taken place in my home.  We seems all become mature overnight. We all know that facing death is without fear.  We are all grateful, knowing that this is God's sustaining.   In another case, in the face of death when I am not insane, just use the normal face.  When we four were at the hospital to do physical examination, our baggage were lost.   However, they were not important, as long as we four people can gather together.  Love is still on the line.  I was very touching when I was not sure whether the car would explode, my husband said, "you go out. "  Another thing to be grateful, if I was not hurt, but my husband, then the whole family would be more trouble.

We know that : God has given us the opportunity to live, let us continue to live until destiny, the Psalms 145:20 said: "the Lord watches over all who love him, ... "We want to live a life pleasing to God, and to love each other and live to glorify him